In the field of specialization, Every person has an area he/she was trained. In career specialization, for example in the medical field some people are trained as neurosurgeon, optician, dentist, cardiologist etc. If you are trained as a professional dentist, you can not just because you are a pro in your area say that you can function as a optician without having or going for a formal training for it. You can actually try but you can't do it like a professional in that area and eventually kill the patient.
People that move from one area of specialization to another without remaining focus in one area/field are termed and classified as "Jacks of all trades and Master of none." And this has cause more harm than good in the world today.
In life, staying in your lane (area of specialization) improves your creatively, professional skills and talents. Don't be a carbon copy of people's lifestyles. Always try to be you, Because the real you is better and is the best. Don't live a life of pretence. Be focus and stay in your lane.
- FOCUS is not acquire, neither is it bought, but it is develop. -Hon. Awesome
- A man without FOCUS is like a man without vision and purpose. -Hon. Awesome
- FOCUS on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. -Anonymous
- A man without FOCUS is a confused man. -Hon. Awesome
- The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like FOCUS. -Bruce Lee
- Ignore the noise, FOCUS on your work. -Anonymous
- It is during our darkest moments that we must FOCUS to see the light. -Aristotle
- Feed your FOCUS, starve your distractions. -Anonymous
- You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of FOCUS. -Mark Twain
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