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Locked In Payback by Linnie Lovin

"Please sir, these two results are really important to me, please I want you to have a recheck on it, I know I can never have a D in both, please Sir help me" Joe begged
"My friend, will you get out of my office, or do you want to teach me how to mark? What nonsense!! You had a D, take it or leave it, it can't be changed!!!" Professor Tunde shouted
Joe pleaded and pleaded, but all fell on deaf ears. Prof. Tunde was a strict and hard lecturer in the department of Philosophy. He barely passed his students. On the other hand, Joe was a final year student of the department of Philosophy, who had a dream of graduating with a first class. He had struggled to make a Cgpa of 4.6, but with the release of his last two results handled by Prof. Tunde, his Cgpa had dropped to 4.45. And this terminates his dream of graduating with a first class.
Joe was heart-broken. However, since nothing could be done to change the mind of Prof Tunde, Joe graduated with a second class upper.
Months later, he was called up for service. Thereafter, he furthered his education in philosophy, obtained so many certificates, awards, degrees including PhD in Philosophy and by the time he was 53years, he was now addressed as Professor Joe.
He was employed to work as a lecturer in The University of Calabar, where he worked for four years and resigned. Not long after, the University of Ibadan employed him as a lecturer in the department of philosophy. Years later, he was promoted to the office of an HOD.
*I didn't graduate with a first class, you also can never graduate with a first class,so get yourself out of my office " Prof. Joe commamded
"ah.. sir, please this means a lot to me " Kunle, a final year student begged
"I said get out!!!" Prof Joe barked
Prof. Joe refused to listen to Kunle's request to remark his script and give him a better grade. Hence, Prof. Joe made Kunle graduate with a third class in Philosophy.
Kunle struggled to make it in life even with the third class degree, and eventually, he got employed in the University of Uyo, where he worked for years, and eventually was made the HOD of Philosophy, some months before the school's convocation.
"What? David Asuquo graduating with a first class in my department? No not when I,Kunle Odaseyintemi is the HOD. I never graduated with a first class, how much more you David or whatever you call yourself, NO WAY!!" Mr. Kunle said as he went through the list of the students who were to graduate in 5days time.
"Help, help, " a drowning man shouted at Ibeno Beach, where David Asuquo went to while away time with his friends two days before convocation.
David ran into the water to save the man, but both ended up being swallowed in the water by the fast moving waves. Before rescue team, could save them, they were lost and gone.
"it's such a great loss to this department" the faculty officer said as the news of David's death had spread through out the campus
"Oh yes, indeed it is " Mr Kunle replied, but smiling in his heart because his plan had worked and David was now dead and incapable of graduating with the first class..
In life, people do things that hurt others just because another person had done same to them.
You'll hear people say "I'll do them as they did me "
Most people take to killing because, someone had killed their loved ones
Most people chose not to help others, because when they needed help no one was there to help them
Most ladies choose to frustrate/hate other guys, because a guy or guys must have done something terrible to them
Most guys choose to frustrate the lives of other ladies, because a lady or ladies must have done something horrible to them
In our universities, our lecturers refuse to allow a student graduate with first class, because another lecturer had once frustrated and hindered them from graduating with one
A car owner drives speedily splashing water on a pedestrian, because when he was a pedestrian other car owners had splashed water on him
A person chooses to use his position to frustrate the life of others because someone else had frustrated him with his/her position
And the chain of paying back and taking revenge on others who are innocent, goes on and on.
But why chose to be LOCKED IN PAYBACK ???
For how long will you continue to hurt/destroy/frustrate the lives of others because someone else did same to you??
Think on this!!!!!



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