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Wonder of the World plant aka Life Plant (botanical name- Bryophyllum pinnatum

Wonder of the World' also known as Miracle Leaf and Life Plant (Botanical name- Bryophyllum pinnatum)(Abamọda) is a succulent perennial herb, which grows up to 1m- 2m in height. The stems are thick, flexible and short and the flowers are pink, white or purple in colour. It forms a cymose panicle. Dried carrot like tuberous root is most important part of Patharchur. This is a branched aromatic herb. The nodes are often hairy in some species. It is grown in the garden for ornamental purposes but did you know it's also a natural healer?

The rhizome of this plant can be used as a preventive of the kidney stone or for the treatment of this. Tubers in India are eaten as a condiment.

Bryophyllum pinnatum(Abamọda) is given for the treatment of a cough, asthma, cold with candy sugar.

It is used against dysentery.

The plant root is used to treat high blood pressure.

It is also used to prevent any kind of cardiac problem.

Bryophyllum pinnatum is used for the treatment of fever.

Rhizome powdered is used for the treatment of constipation.

Bryophyllum pinnatum paste is used for the treatment of boil, wound, soar or cuts.

The extract of Bryophyllum pinnatum)( Abamọda) is used for the treatment of roundworms (clotrimazol).

The extract of the plant is used for the treatment of antipyretic activity.

Using juice of this as eardrop heals the ear pain. Its natural remedy for ear pain.

The paste of Pashan Bheda mixed with honey is used for the beginners teething trouble.

Because of anti-diabetic property, it is used for the treatment of diabetics.

The root of this plant is believed to protect the liver and proved useful for the treatment of hepatitis.

It is proved diuretic. So, it cures difficult urination. It helps clean the bladder and get rid of harmful toxins from the intestines.

Because of its antioxidant property, the plant is used in the mixture of herbal green tea.

It is used as one of home remedies for piles (Hemorrhoids).

The leaf juice is used for the treatment of stomach ache.

The extract is used for the nourishment of the hair and treating gray hair.

The leaves are used against intestinal disorder.

The extract of this is anti-inflammatory and reduces inflammation.

It is also used for the treatment of blood mixed diarrhoea.

The paste is used against leucorrhoea.

The fresh juice of Patharchur can be used to treat jaundice.

It has importance in the treatment of certain types of cancer

It may help with weight management. I have not seen any creditable research done to prove this point. However, the plant does have some properties that might help in weight loss. For example, the plant has intestinal cleansing properties that can cleanse the body of waste matter, which can definitely contribute to weight loss.

It is the natural treatment for kidney and gallbladder stones.

How to prepare:

To make tea for Asthma, shortness of breath, boosting the immune system and to cleanse the intestines of harmful bacteria. Add 5 fresh or dried leaves, with stems to 1 pint boiling water. Steep for 5-10 minutes. Strain and drink straight or add honey to taste. Makes 3 doses. Take this tea three times a day.

Juice for chest cold- Warm 3 leaves and juice them. This should yield 2-3 tablespoon of leaf juice. Add a pinch of sea salt. Take one tablespoon three times a day for as long as needed.

Cough mixture for cold, coughs and chest congestion- Warm 13 fresh leaves over a fire. Rub the leaves between your palms until they become juicy. Squeeze the juice into a small pot. This should yield at least 6-8 tablespoons of juice. Add the juice of 3 limes and 2 ounces honey to pot. Simmer on a low flame for 5-7 minutes. Remove from flame and allow to cool. Store in a bottle.

Take one tablespoonful every three hours for two weeks. Skip one week and repeat, if necessary.

Poultice for skin ulcer, sprains and insect stings- Grind 7 fresh leaves into a poultice. Apply the poultice evenly to the affected area. Apply a fresh poultice twice a day, morning and night, as often as needed.

Warning- Wonder of the world should not be consumed during pregnancy!


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