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Sex: the intrigue

SEX IS SWEET.!!! - but danger lies in it
Most downfalls of men are caused by MULTIPLE girlfriends.
Sex is a spiritual encounter I stand to be corrected, not every girl has a good spirit,some are demon, some has poison in between their legs, some are killers and destiny destroyers, be careful. Worst is a man who can't control his sexual urge.
A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can live many years on earth.
1. Having many girlfriends does not make you a man. It only makes you a womanizer and a cheat and a boy.
2. A real man has only one woman in his life.
3. For the fact that you are good in bed does not make you a man. A real man is the man who does not run away from his responsibility but faces it squarely.
4. You don't need to sag your trousers and walk round the street before girls will love you. Infact it is only small boys that sag trousers and it is premature little girls that fall in love with men who sag trousers.
5. Don't use and dump ladies. Remember the law of karma. Whatever you do, you will receive the reward.
6. If you cannot make her your wife, don't make her a mother. If she can't be your wife don't sleep with her.
7. Do not obey your erection at all times. Most times our erections mislead us to the wrong direction. Control your erection. Don't let your erection control you. If you don't you will have few days on earth with much poverty on you. You may insult me but it doesn't matter to me now, because am done telling you this.
8. It is not everything you see under skirt that you should hustle to eat, some skirts contain snakes that will bite you and leave you uncomfortable. Control your sex urge. Self control and abstinence in most cases pays a lot.
9. Do not date a lady because she has sexy curves, boobs and shapes. Those things are just packaging; and packaging can be very deceptive avoid such, don't fall for what's called the irony of social Media.
10. Respect any lady that loves you. Yes, its not easy for a lady to throe her love on you and support your future.
11. Do not beat any woman, even if she is not your wife.
12. Real men don't gossip. Learn to keep secret shared with you by any Lady that is what makes you a man enough to enjoy the comfort of a lady.
13. The world only celebrates successful men. Nobody will celebrate you for having many girlfriends. Therefore what is the benefit? Waste of energy and waste of protein.
14. Marrying a woman doesn't mean she is your property, Treat her with respect ..Make her your queen,love her, honour her and give her a reason to treat you the same. Remember, what you give is what you get.
Finally Don’t be a cheating man. You’re losing life. You think you are playing the game and winning, but you are actually losing. You can get over on some women but you can’t fool your Creator.
You will reap what you sow, so you better start trying to grow good things. Juggling women doesn’t make you a man. Being honest, loyal & faithful.
May God bless your relationship.


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