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Leadership is not all about Power, Influence and Fame


Good day Jesus people! Leadership is currently attracting global attention especially in church. A leader is a person who knows and shows the way for others to follow. Its hard to find a true leader. We need leaders in our churches and in our nation who are after serving and getting the job done, who are focus on touching the down trodden and getting them lifted. Such leaders understands the peoples need because they feel it. They strive to ensure the suffering relieved, hopeless given hope and lost humanity rescued and giving an assured confidence for a brighter future!

We need a God raised and sent leader not a self raised and sent one. We need one who understands the times: the spiritual and cultural trends and their balance in the society. We need a leader with the wiring of the sons of Issachar who understands the times and what Israel (church) ought to do in order to become relevant in the global social, economic, political and industrial market. Good leadership ensures the church lead the world not the world leading the church. The church mandate is to lead. The world is our mission field. The government is suppose to be on shoulder of the church not the contrary. If we must lead. We need another Daniel, David, or Elijah who will turn the tides in favour of our spiritual and political interest, expand our territories and ensure the dominion mandate of the church is not allowed to lay dormant because time is not friendly because the master of all, the judge of the great and small rich and poor will soon appear to effect global reconning: implement reward for stewardship.

Therefore, urgency compels us to demand for Gods man. I mean the right man for the Job? Are you the man or woman the church is waiting for? Should we look for another. One mistake can cost us a generational deprivation result in degradation. Our choice of leaders matters here. When the righteous leads, the people prosper. Leadership is not for all comers. Its not for those who appear good for the Job. History should be allowed to teach us wisdom. Tribalism and who knows who has failed us. The highest bidder mentally has failed us. Who then will not fail us?

Gods own choice. The man after Gods heart is the answer. The man whom God is first. Gods own choice is the answer!


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