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Camphor and Coconut Oil

Camphor and Coconut Oil is an amazing blend of natural ingredients that helps cure various skin problems and much more. Every house should have a small bottle of this magical blend, which is actually very simple to make.


. Small glass bottle (preferably dark color),

. 1 Cup Coconut Oil,

. 2 Teaspoon Crushed Camphor


Mix 2 Teaspoon Crushed Camphor in 1 Cup Coconut Oil and store it in the dark glass bottle.

Keep the glass bottle in morning sunlight to melt the Camphor and to make the blend warm for better absorption and results.

Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend 7 Uses / Benefits:

1) Skin Itching or Irritation:

Camphor is highly effective to sooth and lessen skin itching or irritation.


Wash affected area with a mild cleanser and pat dry with a cotton towel,

Apply a generous quantity of the Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend on affected area twice a day or as many times as required.

2) Dark spots, Acne and Acne Scars:

A regular light massage with Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend lightens dark spots and acne scars. It also lessons the recurrence of acne.


Wash face with a your regular cleanser and pat dry with a cotton towel,

Massage few drops of Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend on spots and scars twice a day.

Once the blend dries apply your regular moisturizer or lotion.

Caution: For Sensitive skin, try a patch test on your arm or leg first before trying the blend on your face. If your skin is sensitive or you feel burning sensation after applying the blend increase the quantity of Coconut Oil in the blend.

If you still find it uncomfortable then stop using it on your face. This blend works for most but may not suit everyone so kindly use as per your skin condition.

3) Pain:

Camphor has pain relieving properties and a massage with the Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend gives relief from joint pain or pain due to soreness or muscle cramps.


Warm the bottle of Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend in sunlight or by keeping it in hot water for few minutes.

Massage a generous quantity of Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend on affected area twice a day.


For severe joint pain you can also try a blend of Camphor with Sesame or Mustard Oil.

4) Cold and Chest Congestion:

Camphor helps in removal of Chest Congestion and can be used as a natural vaporub.


This treatment is most effective when you apply before you take a nap. Take a small quantity of Camphor and Coconut Oil in a small steel or metal bowl and heat it up for few minutes on a low flame. Take care that Blend does not get in touch with fire. You can also heat the oil in microwave using a microwave safe bowl.

Let the blend cool down. When the blend is warm enough to apply take a generous amount with your fingers and rub on your chest and neck. Cover yourself with a heavy blanket and take a nap so the blend gets enough time to remove the phlegm that is causing discomfort.

Extra Care: It is advisable to drink lots of warm water when you have cold to keep yourself hydrated and flush out the mucus that is causing blockage.

5) Dandruff:

Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend hair massage few hours before wash is a good solution to remove Dandruff and stop its recurrence.


Warm the bottle of Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend in sunlight or by keeping it in hot water for few minutes.

Massage Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend on your scalp in small circular motions using the tips of your fingers and keep it for few hours or overnight pre hair wash.

Extra Care: Using a mild shampoo repeat washing the hair twice as the oil will not come out in your first wash.

6) Eczema and Psoriasis:

Itching and irritation of skin are the most annoying part of skin diseases like Eczema and Psoriasis. Regular application of Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend is highly effective to sooth and lessen skin itching or irritation. It also helps protect skin from getting excessive dry.


Wash affected area with a mild cleanser and pat dry with a cotton towel,

Apply a generous quantity of the Camphor and Coconut Oil blend on affected area twice a day or as many times as required.

This blend when used regularly gives an instant relief from itching and the medicinal properties of Camphor also controls inflammation and recurring flare-ups.

7) Insect Bites:

Camphor and Coconut Oil Blend calms redness and itching from an insect bite.

Treatment: Apply a generous quantity of the Camphor and Coconut Oil blend on affected area twice a day or as many times as required. This blend when used regularly gives an instant relief.

NOTE This is mostly called caphra, it's the edible ones that are been sold at herb store


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