Chemical involve and formula
1. Water. - 20 ltrs.
2. Menthol. - to taste
3. Pine oil - 1/4 litre
4. IZAL. Concentrate - 1/4 litre.
5. Cabolic - 1/4 litre.
6. Booster - 1/4 litre
7. Texapol - To Taste.
8. Lizol - 1/4 litre
9. Phenol - 1/4 litre
10.Thickner or whitener 1/2 litre
11. Formalin. - little quantity
Production Processes.
STEP. 1. Pour you 20 litres of water into your mixer (where you mix together all chemical component)
STEP. 2. add your whitener or thickner and stir.
STEP. 3. Put phenol and stir.
STEP. 4. Put Lizol and stir.
STEP. 5. Add Booster and stir.
STEP. 6. Add Carbolic and stir.
STEP. 7. Add your IZAL Concentrate
STEP. 8. Add pine oil and stir well.
STEP. 9. Add formalin and stir.
STEP.10. Add Texapol and stir well.
STEP.11. Add your menthol for a good result.
Now the product is ready... To sell and for personal use....
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