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Thisoption trading platform is a decentralized binary trading exchange that offers great benefits to its community. It houses no risk as uses blockchain technology to leverage all transactions carried out on it's website. ecosystem is a dynamic and interactive network which comprises of components that are interdependent and have a mutual beneficial purpose and common goal. Components of Thisoption ecosystem interacts in ways that create value for all.
With the development of blockchain technology, Thisoption decide to change the world of online platforms to make sure that it can undergo significant changes. It combines with Blockchain in order to bring full transparency and reliability to all process.   


*THISOPTION BINARY EXCHANGE: Thisoption binary exchange options differ in that they don't provide the possibility of taking a position in the underlying asset. Binary options typically specify a fixed maximum payout, while maximum risk is limited to the amount invested in the option. Movement in the underlying asset doesn't affect the payout received or loss incurred. The profit or loss depends on whether the price of the underlying is on the correct side of the strike price. Some binary options can be closed before expiration, although this typically reduces the payout received (if the option is in the money). 

*EXTONS: Extons exchange is a decentralised trading platform that leverages blockchain technology. This helps both users and traders to carry out transparent analysis and also trade even without any experience. Extons decentralised trading platform allows investors and users to transact directly with each other without a central authority through it p2p (peer-2-peer) trading model in an automated process. It also allows for transactions with almost a zero transaction fee charges applied by leveraging it own TONS token. 
*TONSPAY: TONSPAY is a one of the best payment service which has speed and it's simple and free to use. It permits users to accept the TONS token on their website with reference to their choice. 

*THISOPTION.COM PRIVACY: trading platform offers an efficient trading environment and also make sure that user's privacy and personal information are secure on its blockchain. blockchain technology security protects against fraud and cybercrime in the platform. 

*TONSTRADE: TonsTrade is a decentralized exchange revolving around the Tons-token. Tons token is the fiat currency. All trading pairs will be against the TONS as the base currency. You can also purchase TONS TOKEN and other TRC20 token here in a smooth and simple manner with ease.
This platform's main goal is to make it decentralized exchange the safest, most user-friendly and reliable for trading of TONS token. Some of the innovations put in place to achieve this goal includes and not limited to 24/7 technical support and a strong community with a laser-like focus
TonsTrade is dedicated to be the safest and most reliable exchange for TONS Token, however more cryptocurrencies that uses TON as trading pair will be added into the TONSTRADE in the near future. 

*TONSFX: TON is a very ambitious blockchain project that will make many investors in the crypto community to keep an eye on. Most of TON’s partnerships will focus on providing ease-of-access and liquidity to the currency. Many companies and investors will bridge the gap between FX and crypto market by partnering with TONS. 


* TRANSPARENCY: The blockchain is an open and distributed ledger. It only allows to record data in an append-only manner, meaning new records can be appended on to a ledger, but old records can’t be tampered with without creating an entirely different ledger. This property allows the ledger to be an easily auditable and solid database that can be trusted by two or more parties without any doubts in its trustworthiness. 

* NO EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED: Extons website is easy to use. To be able to perform any transaction in Extons platform does not require any level of experience or professionalism as it is very simple. All you have to do is to complete registration. 
* SECURITY: Blockchain is an essential part of the underlying trust mechanisms in the Extons ecosystem. There are many participants in the ecosystem and for these to transact with each other in a trusted manner, Extons combine it project with blockchain technology to enhance trust and maximum security. 
* CONVENIENCE: A user can engage in transactions from just anywhere at anytime at Extons Onces you have signed up. Also, Extons will also create a wallet app for users to be able to perform any transactions of their choice from anywhere and at anytime with their Window, Linux, IOS or Android operated devices. The application will be user-friendly and will allow users to surf Extons platform without stress. 

* LOWERED TRANSACTIONS COSTS/FEES: Extons platform has eliminate the need for a middleman or booker and as such no extra expenses are required to make transactions. It also allows for transactions with almost a zero transaction fee charges applied by leveraging it own TON coin. 
* SPEED: Speed is key and vital as long as technology is concern. Everyone wants their transaction to be carried out in matters of seconds and not ancient ways of hours to carry out transactions.To enhance speed, Extons combines with Blockchain technology which has all the best features of fourth generation blockchain with faster consensus, ultra-fast transaction confirmation included. These ensures maximum speed in transactions.  

The registration process in extons exchange is very simple and easy to do. It does not require registration fe, all you need is a valid email address and you are good to go. To register, click on this Link. EXTONS

TON Token is a TRC20 token that is hosted on the tron blockchain. It is use to leverage all transactions on the Extons platform. 


As a TON token holder, there are alot of benefits you get depending on the saving plan that you choose. This picture below shows all about TON saving plan. Hurry can purchase your own share of TON token and be a holder. 

There is no doubt that Thisoption platform amd its ecosystem is making a revolutionary approach and innovation to the needs of both the exchange and crypto markets. An industry which on the whole has been continuously growing. also have significant financial backing, a clear vision and an expert team to help them follow through with their roadmap. 

- Thisoption - Binary Option Exchange : Released 
- Extons - Cryptocurrency Exchange : Released
- Tonstrade: Coming Soon
- TonsFx: Q1/2021
- Tonspay: Q4/2020 





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