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Controlling your Anger in public by Linnie Lovin

He parked his car in front of the supermarket. He got down, entered the supermarket and purchased what he wanted. He went out entered his car, turned on the engine and as he tried reversing, he mistakenly fell down a bike that was parked behind his car. He then came out from the car to plead with the bike man. 

"Oh I'm very sorry, I didn't notice the bike was parked behind me, I'm so sorry please " Mr Ade pleaded. 

"Idiot man! Because you drive this nonsense truck you call car, means that you should be going about hitting people's bike, what nonsesnse!! You are a very big fool, idiot!!! See my bike, even if they sell this your car it can't buy this bike " the bike man, Shegun replied

"I said I'm sorry, please, I won't tolerate the insults, im sorry I didn't know the bike was parked there " Ade pleaded again...

"Sorry for yourself foolish man, how will you see the bike, tell me!! , you are very stupid!!! You think you can go around doing rubbish because of this toy car you're driving, * Shegun added, hitting Ade's car

"see don't try me oo, foolish idiot, what nonsense, you're so stupid, stupid man!! In fact self I can even destroy this nonsense you call car" the bike man threatened carrying up a heavy stone. 

"No, no, don't do like that, calm down, just pick your bike and go" a security man from the supermarket intervened. 

"No leave me let me teach this fool a lesson, he thinks he can just do anything he wants because his driving this toy thing, he's so stupid " the bike man kept raining insults on Mr. Ade 

"Sorry sir, I think you should just forget him and leave " the security man said to Ade 

"I've told you I'm sorry, and you're using that opportunity to insult me. It's alright " Mr Ade said entering his car

"Sorry my foot, nonsesnse man, idiot fool, stupid thing!!! " The bike man kept insulting 

Mr Ade angrily and carefully reversed his car and drove out of the supermarket into the road. After some minutes drive, he stopped, parked and brought out a ring, he spoke a few words to the ring about the bike man and then returned back the ring.

Back there in the supermarket, Shegun picked up his bike, dusted it and rode out of the supermarket. 

He approached a T-junction and was about taking a bend to his left when he got hit by an uncoming truck driving with a high speed. The force of collision threw Shegun off his bike and he landed his head on the ground and was gone. 


Unknown to Shegun, Ade was an occultic member and the ring he brought out was given to him to decree anything he wants and it will be done. 

Ade had told the ring that Shegun shouldn't live to see the next day, because of the insults. 


In life, it's very important that you learn to watch your anger, and your tongue when you have been offended by someone, most especially in public situations like on the road, market, in a bus, even here on Facebook or anywhere you meet people you don't know. 

And also, a SORRY from your offender should be enough to tame down your anger. 

You never know who the other person is, you only know yourself. 

There are people like Ade in the world. It's not written on the face, so you may not know if the person you're ranting at is a like of Mr Ade. 

Also naturally, there are people who, after telling you sorry for an offence, you still go ahead to keep and increase your anger at them, you will experience a mishap /consequence later on. 

Learn to control your temper/anger/tongue in public. 

Learn to accept a SORRY. 

You don't know who is who...


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