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How Friendly are you with your kids?

A child lost money, on his way to purchase what his mother sent him to purchase, he climbed the bridge, to jump, b4 good Samaritans , caught him...... His fear was his mother... Let him kukuma die, b4 she gets a hold of him.

Few jambites, mixed sniper, and committed suicide...... Their fears was that they were warned never to come back, if they don't make their jambs, this time around.

A Lagos tout, drank coke, and refused to pay the little boy, that was left to cater for the shop, while the mother was away. He went after the tout, to pay up... The tout warned him to lay off, that he has no money today. The little boy followed the tout everywhere, with tears, begging him to give him his coke money... People begged the boy to go back to the shop.. He refused, that his mother will kill him if he doesn't recover that money...... When the tout got more irritated, he turned and sliced open the boy's Tommy, with a sharp whatever... And jumped into the crowd. The boy's intestines, poured out, as he dropped. They nearly saved him in LUTH, if not that people, different types of people, tried to pack back his intestines, into his stomach, and got it infected..... The mother surfaced to a body, covered with sheet.

A 12 yrs old girl, ran away from home, cos her maternal uncle, was raping her. Why did she run? She said that if she complains to her mother, who was well known in the church, she will kill her.

Our children supposed to confide in us, not to fear us. It's negative, when you pride yourself that your children are afraid of you. You will be part of the dividend, when they are not actually yours to have.

Discipline your children, but don't make them be afraid of you... So that they can tell you things, when they are perturbed.

I leave my phone number on class writing boards, after each sex education. As I get home, I will receive so many calls from babies, children, grown ups... Who tells me things they cannot tell their parents. That is all shades of wrong.

Are you aware that a 13 yrs old, JS 3 student, in one of the schools I have taught sex education, confided in me, that she has done abortions twice? She is still living with her parents, but they knew not what was happening under their noses.

When your children fear you.... You don't actually have them.


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