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48 Health Benefits of Pure Honey

1. EYES SCRATCHING; Mix white Onion with Honey and drop it into your eyes.

2. STOMACH PAIN; The person that has stomach pain, mix ground bitter leaf with Pure honey use two table spoon after meal.

3. WOUND; Grind Bitter leaf with Pure Honey rub it.

4. CHILDREN TOOTH-ACHE; Mix lime juice, with honey , give him one spoon 3 times daily.

5. TUBERCULOSIS; Grind ginger atale,salt, Garlic and Bitter- Kola use them with Pure Honey use table spoon 3 times daily.

6. SLEEPLESSNESS; Drink honey every night.

7. MENSTRATION PROBLEM; Use 4 tablespoon of honey of honey 4 times daily.

8. RHEUMATISM; Grind Bitter leaves with Pure Honey use to rub it and take 2 tablespoon 3 times daily.

9. WEEK LOW OR BOIL; Grind Bean, mutter, with Pure Honey use it to rub the place.

10. ULCER; Use 3 spoons of honey early in the morning 1 hour before breakfast.

11. SEMEN BOOT (Fun ato kiki); Mix one egg with

5 Tablespoons of Honey . use it immediately.

12. ASTHMA; Mix snail water (Omi Igbin) with Honey .Usage . ADULT 3 Tablespoons 3 times .

Children 1 Tablespoon 3 Times.

13. PILE; Grind Saint Leave (Efirin) Lemon juice mix it with Pure Honey . 2 Tablespoons 3 Times daily.

14. EARACHE; Get warm Water with Small Salt and mix with Pure Honey . Usage. Put a drop inside it.

15. MOUTHACHE; Mix lime juice, Salt with Pure Honey use it to wash your month 3 times daily.

16. MEASLES; Grind Bitter leave with Pure Honey use it to Rub the body and take 2 tablespoons full 3 times daily.

17. STOMACH PAIN AFTER DELIVERY; Use 2 spoons Honey 3 times daily.

18. BED-WETTING; 2 teaspoon of Pure Honey every night.

19. COUGH; Mix Honey grinded bitter kola

(OROGBO ) use one spoon 3 times daily

20. Always use honey to drink pap (OGI ) or TEA.

21. RED EYES ; Use pure Honey 2 times a day.

22. RUNNING STOMACH; Ground Cucuribitaasess

( EWE EJIRIN) together with Honey and use 3 times daily.

23. DIABETES; Water from Bitter leaf mix together with Pure Honey and use it 3 times daily.

24. STROKE; Mix your urine with Pure Honey and take 3 spoon morning and Night.

25. HYPERTENSION; Ground Garlic with Pure Honey and take this 3 spoon Morning and Night.

26. MANPOWER; Use Unripe plantain, boil one with Pure Honey.

27. BLOOD MEDICINE; Ground Bitter-leaf and Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

28. RUNNING STOMACH; Mix salt together with Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

29. SKIN SMOOTHEN; Mix Pure Honey together with coconut oil and rub it on your body.

30. FOR SHAVING; Mix Poplitionaces (ETU ) with Pure Honey and rub it after shaving.

31. SKIN DISEASE; Ground graminces (eru awonka) and Sulphur (IMU OJO) with Pure Honey and rub it on the affected parts of the body.

32. WORM; Mix salt and lime juice with Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

33. IRREGULAR-MENSTRATIONS; Grand GARLIC and mix it with lime juices and Pure Honey and use it 3 times daily.

34. Typhoid Fever; Grand Garlic mix it with egg and Pure Honey and use 4 spoons 3 times daily.

35. FIRE BURNS; Use Pure Honey to rub the affected part.

36. CHILDRENS RASHES; Ground Gramicees (ERU AWOKA) Poplitionazees (ETU) Sulphur (Immi OJO) with Pure Honey and rub it to affected part of the body.

37. BLOOD; Mix Lime juice and Fresh egg and Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

38. BODY HEAT ; Get liquid from Bitter leaf and mix it with Salt and Pure Honey and use 3 spoon 3 times daily.

39. STOMACH-PAIN; Use Salt and Saint –leaf (EWE EFIRIN) together with Pure Honey and use it 3 spoon 3 times daily.

40. GONORRHEA; Lemon juice mix with small mutters and Pure Honey and use 3spoon 3 times daily.

41. DIABETES; Use Pure Honey to drink Pap or Tea.

42. Starting from 40 years, use Pure Honey to drink Pap or Tea and it is for good health.

43. To reduce fatness ; Use Corn –leaf as a tea with Pure Honey .

44. FOR OLD AGE; Use Pure Honey to drink.

45. FOR FAMILY HEALTH ; Use Pure Honey with Oda Herbal Tea. It will give you strength and energy.

46. HYPERTENSION; Use Pure Honey together with Oda Herbal Tea.

47. WEIGHT REDUCTION ; Take Pure Honey mix together with boil Corn –leaf and drink.

48. HEADACHE; Lime juice with Pure Honey and take 3 times daily.


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